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SQL Queries To Simulate Analyst Views

Ryan_LaneRyan_Lane Cireson Support Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
Hello all,
I've created several SQL queries that simulate another user's grid views for My Work, My Requests, Team Work and Team Requests and uploaded them to github to share: https://github.com/ryanlanegit/CiresonPortal/tree/master/SQL/Views

They make use of the ServiceManagement database's stored procedures spGet_GridWorkItems, spGet_MyRequests and spGet_TeamRequests.  So far these have really helped me when troubleshooting issues from the user's point of view for user roles/permissions and general queue issues.


Each script should be begin with a Analyst Query section and a View Options section:
-- Analyst Query
DECLARE @P_UserNameQuery nvarchar(256) = 'ryanl%';
DECLARE @P_UserDomain nvarchar(256) = 'DOMAIN';
-- View Options
DECLARE @P_IncludeTeamItems bit = 'true';
DECLARE @P_ShowActivities bit = 'true';
DECLARE @P_ShowInactiveItems bit = 'true';
  • Modifying the username and domain values in Analyst Query to find the user you'd like to view. Note: I prefer username vs. the BaseId GUID in determining the user to make the query a bit easier to use off the cuff.
  • Modifying the values under View Options corresponds to (un)checking the options in the related grid on the portal:

Any suggestions for other views or improvements would be much appreciated!


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