Incidents Not showing on My Work
We have just installed the new community edition and under my work we do not get incidents.
Nor can we create incidents.
Lastly when we click Team work we can see our incidents but upon clicking the item it just gives an error about not having permission to that item.
Best Answer
James_Atance Cireson Support Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭Hi,
Can you confirm if you are using Windows Authentication? as we have discovered an issue which we are looking to get corrected. In the mean time can you switch to Forms Authentication.
This can be changed by opening up IIS Manager > Sites > Cireson Portal and clicking on Authentication
Also, when opening "All Incidents" can only open those were im affected user.
No errors in CacheBuilder, but got some in WebConsole.log
(Inner Exception #0) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Procedure or function 'spUpdate_Licenses' expects parameter '@SelfservicePortalLicense', which was not supplied.
ERROR [ 24]: ServiceRequest/Edit: Free SSP Version. Only AffectedUser can access this page
That should give you a 1 or a 0.
Got a 0
<level value="ERROR" />
Can you change ERROR to ALL and check the log for warnings specifically about your account?
Justin Workman
errors in web log
cache error log
lastly full log from cache whenerror set to ALL filtered to my user
SELECT * FROM CI$User Where DistinguishedName = '<your distinguished name here>'
thank you for your help so far
thank you but still same issue.
it is as though i have half the interface.
i can create announcements. see all incidents. just cant fully open them nor see my incidents in my work.
Can you confirm if you are using Windows Authentication? as we have discovered an issue which we are looking to get corrected. In the mean time can you switch to Forms Authentication.
This can be changed by opening up IIS Manager > Sites > Cireson Portal and clicking on Authentication
yes it was the windows auth for us too.
Though can you resolve an item? we can choose Resolve but no boxes appear to fill out details and OK is greyed out.