Manual Activity with AD Group as Activity Implementer - Notification
Is there a way to notify a group of users when a MA become in-process?
Best Answer
Justin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭@Gunter_Danzeisen - Notify Analyst won't send a notification to the members of the group in this scenario. I think you have a couple options here. #1 You could extend your MA class to use a support group and rather than assign the group as the implementer, assign the support group in which case Notify Analyst would send a notification to the members of the support group(provided you have the support group mapped to an AD group in the Console App Tier Mappings). #2 You could assign an email address to the groups that you're using as the activity implementer #3 you could use an orchestrator runbook or some other form of automation to enumerate the group membership and send an email to each member of the group when an MA is assigned to a group.6