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DataWarehouse Cube Processing Errors and Issues

Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

Hi Team,

We are having issues with Cube Processing within the service manager console. It hasn’t been working for a while and we created a PowerShell script to perform the tasks that the cubes were supposed to be doing and to have our data up to date.

We are trying to resolve this issue but it’s tricky, I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on this and can point me to the right direction.

The Cube obs are listed as failed and when I try and access the cubes I get access is denied. Within SQL the access works with the same username and password. All the user roles seem to be correct but I can’t access the cubes within the console.

I have attached some screenshots if it makes it handy. Our SQL specialist isnt sure why it doesnt work as things from SQL end seem to be fine.

I'm not familiar with how all this connects together but i was wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this  before and how they resolved it.

We want to retire the PowerShell script eventually and rely on the cubes to process the data correctly.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.




  • Justin_ClarkeJustin_Clarke Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Hi Mina,

    Is there a firewall setup on the sql server by any chance? had issues with firewalls and ports used by analysis services before with similar errors. what does the operations manager log on the Service Manager datawarehouse server say?
  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi Justin,

    Thanks for your reply.

    there doesn't seem to be a firewall on the SQL server, but there is an error that appears on the datwarehouse server in relation to the cube processing.

    seen this error at all before?

    Thank you.
  • Justin_ClarkeJustin_Clarke Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    What do you have setup under run as accounts in the security section of the Datawarehouse tab in SCSM Console? Is the service account you are using the one listed? Also if sql services are not running under a service account you might want to check the SPN on the sql computer object in AD. Also is the account listed as an admin under analysis services instance or just the DB?
  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    so we repaired-installed visual c++ 2013 x86 and x64 were correct on all servers but it didn't work.

    the service account is the one im using and its listed under the security section of the datawarehouse tab of the console.

    using the service account, I can use excel to connect to the analysis server and load the cubes, I can also do that using my administrator account which has permissions to all cubes and databases.

    now, we aren't getting a permission error after we repaired visual c++ but we are getting the below error which refers to the analysis server service how ever when I check the service its running, but on the event log on the dw server it comes up as crashed although it appears to be running.

    could it also be a version issue on the console? I don't know what else to look at. confusing :(

  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    so update on this,

    the analysis server service had crashed on our second SQL server, turned it on and now we can access the cubes. How ever some are saying processed and some are saying partially processed. They are scheduled to run every 24 hours.

    are there logs to this? is there any information on how this area works? im a little confused by it all and have no idea what to check and confirm if the cubes are running successfully.

    any help on documentation or error logs/tracking on this will be much appreciated.

  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    What we have noticed is that the Analysis Service on SQL keeps stopping every few  hours, we have no idea why. we start it up again and it runs for a few hours then crashing, nothing else seems to be running to cause it to crash.

    anyone have any insight on how this component work?

  • Justin_ClarkeJustin_Clarke Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    I would be looking at the event logs on sql server or msmdsrv.log file. what errors are you seeing on why the service stopped. Also check operation manager log on datawarehouse server as this might also have logs on timing of if a job is crashing it. 
  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    where will the msmdsrv.log file be on the SQL server, I have looked everywhere but cant find it. may be it it isn't turned on.

    the event viewers just give the above errors, there isn't much else there.

  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭

    a few warning messages are also appearing on the SQL server referring to

    remote calls to SAM databse have been denied in the past 900 seconds throttling window.

    otherwise I don't see anything else.

  • Justin_ClarkeJustin_Clarke Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    This is the default location i think  \program files\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance>\Olap\Log.
  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Thanks Justin. Still having issues with this. The logs don't show much in relation to this error and why the service keeps crashing unexpectedly throughout the day.

    will keep trying some things and hopefully get it sorted...
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