Remote Support Ports
Does the Remote Support server still use port 135 to connect to remote hosts? Or does it also port 5985? Trying to figure out which ports I need to have opened on the firewalls. Also the connection to the hosts originates solely from the server now right?
Best Answer
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.Hi @James_Johnson
Here's a bit more detail.Traffic
Clients to Web Page
80 / 443
RS to AD
RS to ConfigMgr
RS to Clients
The connection to the hosts are all from the sever unless you use Remote Support to launch a local exe, such as explorer, RDP or RemoteControl. These connections will be made directly from the client.
You also need to enable WinRM on the clients you want to support. wimrm /quickconfig sets the service to automation and enables the Windows firewall rules needed.
Remote Support uses WMI ports so this includes port 135 but for more specific ports as it can use a range:
HTTP: 5985
HTTPS: 5986PowerShell Remoting/WinRM listen on these ports:
HTTP: 5985
HTTPS: 5986
Hope this helps!
Here's a bit more detail.
Clients to Web Page
80 / 443
RS to AD
RS to ConfigMgr
RS to Clients
The connection to the hosts are all from the sever unless you use Remote Support to launch a local exe, such as explorer, RDP or RemoteControl. These connections will be made directly from the client.
You also need to enable WinRM on the clients you want to support. wimrm /quickconfig sets the service to automation and enables the Windows firewall rules needed.
I am sorry guys but this is not clear to me. Is Clients to Web Page all of the workstations that are being managed in the domain or is that the Help Desk/Support workstation that are using Remote Support ie. the IT Support network segment?
Clients to webpage is just for accessing the the web site, probably just your IT group.
Ports 1433 and 5985 are the ones the server are using to reach out to the managed machines.
So what do I have configured wrong when it just says Application is loading?
Just when you're trying to launch the site? That's not related to port issues, check the log in the app data folder C:\ProgramData\Cireson.Platform.Host
This is the error in the log Main Exception 2021-06-17T10:19:00.0424466-07:00: HResult: -2146233088, Source: Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Message: Resolution of the dependency failed, type = "Cireson.SyncFramework.ConfigurationManager.Handlers.WqlSyncFullSetHandler`1[Cireson.ControlCenter.Core.Models.ConfigurationManager.CmDistributionPointGroup]", name = "(none)".
Probably best to just open a ticket with Cireson for this.