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failing Data Warehouse jobs after Change Request ARO import

Chris_Chekaluk1Chris_Chekaluk1 Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

We recently deployed the Cireson ARO management pack to implement Change Requests (kb 2462) in the service catalog. Shortly after doing so, we developed consistent & repeating failing DW jobs. For our environment, we are seeing a consistent group of 4 errors (all Event ID = 33502 on the DW mgmt server):

 Module name: TransformChangeRequestDim

 Message: Invalid column name 'ClassExtension_36bfefc0_aaf0_4fa3_ba1b_fe6bcc052497!CiresonARA02'.

Module name: LoadCMDWDataMartChangeRequestDim

 Message: Invalid column name 'Cireson.ChangeRequest.AdvanceRequestOffering.Extension!CiresonARA02'.

 Module name: LoadOMDWDataMartChangeRequestDim

 Message: Invalid column name 'Cireson.ChangeRequest.AdvanceRequestOffering.Extension!CiresonARA02'.

 Module name: LoadDWDataMartChangeRequestDim

 Message: Invalid column name 'Cireson.ChangeRequest.AdvanceRequestOffering.Extension!CiresonARA02'.

While we are still sorting through these issues, the leading theory at this point is that the cause is related to the fact that we have the Community's enhancement to support Change Requests with ARO (community thread) since both Cireson's and the Community's management packs both have the CiresonARA02 property defined- although in different classes & mp's.

The DW structure looks misleading (i.e. the property exists in the CR's Dim table in DWDatamart), but my assessment is that this structure comes from the Community's mgmt pack, not Cireson's. I did notice an unhandled exception when MPSync tried to sync the Cireson management pack and it looks to me like the Cireson MP partially synced the MP to the DW.

At this point, the recommendation is to remove the Community management pack and retry. At this point it is not clear if the Cireson mgmt pack will properly sync once the Community MP is removed.

However, if our current leading theory is correct, then community members that have existing RO's in production using the community solution and a DW installed should have a path & plan to port your existing CR-based RO's to use the supported Cireson property & remove the Community MP before the Cireson mgmt pack is installed.

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