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Send Email Task Customisation

Priyan_MistryPriyan_Mistry Customer IT Monkey ✭

This has been mentioned before: https://community.cireson.com/discussion/3048/is-there-a-way-to-open-the-send-email-feature-in-a-new-window-instead-of-a-pop-up

The changes proposed in the above post were tried in our dev set up but unfortunately did not work ( I was just wondering has anyone else been able to achieve this functionality using version 9+?

Our portal analysts are wanting the Send Email window to open in a new tab/window so that they are able to copy information from the description or other areas of the request into the email.

Another customisation our Service Desk are asking for is to stop the function where by you select an email template and the email subject changes to the one defined as part of the email template. Just wondering if anyone has looked into this?


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