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Pulsating Save/Next (ARO) button in drawer taskbar

Ben_GillionBen_Gillion Customer IT Monkey ✭
edited January 2021 in Community Uploads

Building on the excellent work that Martin Blomgren did to pulse the save button to make it more visible, I've extended the original code to also pulse the Next button that is displayed when you use the Cireson Advanced Request Offerings and only pulse the Save button when the Next button is deactivated.

I've created a new discussion for this because after talking to people at Cireson, it seems that this is a common request made by other customers and I thought it might be helpful to raise the profile of the solution.

We've been using this in production since October last year and seems to be working well for people.

I've been having issues attaching files in discussions, so I've created a GitHub repository here: https://github.com/bennyguk/CiresonAROPulsingButtons

I'm not a developer, so there might be a more efficient way to do this. If you think you can improve it, let me know; I'm all ears!

Link to the original discussion: https://community.cireson.com/discussion/1851/pulsating-save-button-in-drawer-taskbar?



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