Work Item Time Pending/Active
The data warehouse has a view IncidentStatusDurationFactvw which shows time an incident spent active or pending. I'm trying to rid us of the data warehouse and just build reports off of the ServiceManager db. I can't seem to find a table or view that contains this information though.
Is this something that is just created based of the entity change log or am I missing something?
Best Answer
James_Johnson Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
@Peter_Miklian I ended up making a sql function that can calculate this value for a work item.
USE [ServiceManager] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[GetPendingTime] Script Date: 6/30/2021 2:22:47 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetPendingTime](@baseId Nvarchar(50)) RETURNS float AS BEGIN DECLARE @time float set @time = 0 Declare @Data TABLE(pre_stats nvarchar(max), post_status nvarchar(max), etlID integer primary key, timeadded datetime, endPending bit) insert into @Data SELECT string.DisplayName ,string2.DisplayName ,etl.EntityTransactionLogId ,etl.TimeAdded ,endPending = case when ( Pre_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED = 'B6679968-E84E-96FA-1FEC-8CD4AB39C3DE' and Post_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED != 'B6679968-E84E-96FA-1FEC-8CD4AB39C3DE' ) then 1 else 0 end from [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$WorkItem$Incident_Log] il join DisplayStringView string on string.MPElementId = il.Pre_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED and string.LanguageCode = 'ENU' join DisplayStringView string2 on string2.MPElementId = il.Post_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED and string2.LanguageCode = 'ENU' join EntityChangeLog ecl on ecl.EntityChangeLogId = il.EntityChangeLogId join EntityTransactionLog etl on etl.EntityTransactionLogId = ecl.EntityTransactionLogId where BaseManagedEntityId = @baseId and (Pre_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED = 'B6679968-E84E-96FA-1FEC-8CD4AB39C3DE' or Post_Status_785407A9_729D_3A74_A383_575DB0CD50ED = 'B6679968-E84E-96FA-1FEC-8CD4AB39C3DE') order by etl.EntityTransactionLogId asc set @time = (select sum(isnull(datediff(mi, x.timeadded, d.timeadded), 0)) from @Data d outer apply( select top 1 timeadded from @Data t2 where t2.etlID < d.etlID order by t2.etlID desc ) as x where d.endPending = 1) RETURN @time END
Then this can be called in any reports just by passing in the BaseManagmentEntityID and it will return in minutes how long a WI has spent pending.
Example: Calculating how long it took to resolve an incident minus the pending time based on ServiceManager database -
DATEDIFF(mi, i.CreatedDate_6258638D_B885_AB3C_E316_D00782B8F688, i.ResolvedDate_D2A4C73F_01B8_29C5_895B_5BE4C3DFAC4E) - ISNULL(servicemanager.dbo.GetPendingTime(i.BaseManagedEntityId), 0)
I miss this information, too.
I hope you can find that information somewhere in the DB.
But parsing the work item history is the only way I was able to get to timestamps of work item (WI) status changes using PowerShell.
We consider filling custom DB using Orchestrator upon WI status changes and support group/analyst assignments to have those records at hand and to be able to measure duration in each state/assignment.
@Peter_Miklian I ended up making a sql function that can calculate this value for a work item.
Then this can be called in any reports just by passing in the BaseManagmentEntityID and it will return in minutes how long a WI has spent pending.
Example: Calculating how long it took to resolve an incident minus the pending time based on ServiceManager database -