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Form input required information

Magnus_LundgrenMagnus_Lundgren Partner IT Monkey ✭
edited June 2021 in Community Uploads

Small customization that replaces the (required) text on all required prompts and adds a red * (fontawsome asterix)

Also adds a information window at the top of the form to let users know that all fields marked are required

Only loads on forms that have required inputs

$(document).ready(function () {
  //Only worry about request offering forms
  if (document.URL.indexOf("ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering") === -1) {

  //Change (Required) to *
  var labels = $('label.required-userinput-label');

  if (labels.length >= 1) {
    $.each(labels, function (index, value) {
      $(this).text() == '(' + localization.Required + ')'
      $(this).append('<i class="fa fa-asterisk fa-sm" style="font-size: 10px;color: #AD0000";></i>');


    //Add form instructions
    $('<div class = "ReqFieldsWrapper" style="padding-bottom: 19px;"><div class = "ReqFields" style="width: 40%;border-radius: 5px;background: #dcdcdc;padding: 2px 5px 2px 10px;">Fields marked with  <i class="fa fa-asterisk fa-sm" style="font-size: 10px;color: #AD0000";></i> are required and must be filled out.</div></div>').insertBefore(".page-panel")[0];

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