Export\import many enumerations in scsm by powershell
I need to export\import to many enumeration in new scsm install.
I find same script to export but all of it do not works (\ru' locate etc).
Import script i cant find.
1 export script
$SCSMServer = "localhost" $EnumName = "IncidentClassificationEnum$" ####### $SCSM = @{ComputerName = $SCSMServer} $Enum = Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name $EnumName @SCSM $i = -1 Write-Host "`n" Write-Host "List Values for $EnumName" (0..("List Values for $EnumName".Length - 1)) | % {Write-Host "-" -NoNewline} Write-Host "`n`n" -NoNewline Function Get-Enums ($ParentEnum) { $Enums = Get-SCSMChildEnumeration -Enumeration $ParentEnum -Depth OneLevel @SCSM | Sort-Object -Property Ordinal $i++ ForEach ($Enum in $Enums) { (0..$i) | % {Write-Host "`t" -NoNewline} Write-Host $Enum.DisplayName -NoNewline Write-Host "`n" -NoNewline Get-Enums -ParentEnum $Enum } }
2 export script
$EMG = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.EnterpriseManagementGroup "localhost" $Enums = $EMG.EntityTypes.GetEnumerations() function getChildren([Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackEnumeration]$parent) { $outPut = "$outPut - " + $parent.DisplayName Write-host $outPut Foreach ($child in $EMG.EntityTypes.GetEnumerations() |?{$_.Parent -eq $parent}) { getChildren -parent $child -child $true } } $list = 'IncidentClassificationEnum' $parent = $Enums |?{$_.Name -eq $list} getChildren $parent
Some link is 'out of service'.
Can you help me.
@pavel3 - You can use something like this:
$values = Import-Csv $csvPath
$mp = Get-SCSMManagementPack -Name $mpName
$parentEnum = Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name IncidentResolutionCategoryEnum$
$ordinal = 0
foreach ($value in $values) {
Add-SCSMEnumeration -Parent $parentEnum -Name $value.Name -DisplayName $value.Displayname -Ordinal $ordinal -ManagementPack $mp
This assumes your exported values are in a CSV in the format Name=<internal shortname>, DisplayName=<visible enum value>. $mpName is the name of the MP you want to store the new list values in.