API Call Error
I am working through setting up API token. I tried setting up Oh My Posh for powershell. I am getting the below error on the api call.: Any ideas about what I am missing?
{ "error":{ "code":"","message":"The query specified in the URI is not valid. There is an unterminated string literal at position 30 in 'LanguageCode eq 'ENU'';$header'." } }
@Larry_Grant - Can you provide the URI you're using with your api call?
"command": "$url = 'http://helpdesk/platform/api/MyWork?$filter=LanguageCode%20eq%20%27ENU%27';$header = @{'Authorization' = '78057b7cb7774f37a8572c198ea14a22-35c7a701d502457da3a05bb70a7df932'};$workItems = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Headers $header | Select-Object value -ExpandProperty value;($workItems | ?{$_.WIType -eq 'ServiceRequest'}).Count"