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Affected User not showing on ticket but shown in History tab

Sam_NguyenSam_Nguyen Customer IT Monkey ✭

I noticed on several tickets, especially from our external clients, their names populate in the "affected user" field but once the ticket submits, it is wiped. However, it logs it in the history tab. Why is that?

My assumption is that something isn't synced right. Either these users got pulled into SCSM via a connector, but they aren't part of any user roles; or vice versa, they are part of a user role but did not get pulled into SCSM via a connector?

This user for example, Jodie Errington, is part of an AD group that is part of our End User role in SCSM. However, her name wipes from the affected user field. Our internal end users who are part of this group do not have this issue.

Any ideas? Thanks

Best Answer

  • Sam_NguyenSam_Nguyen Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Geoff, I did yes.

    Found that these affected users did not have any email in their AD nor in the portal when you hit the "i" in affected user. Once email was manually added, it was fixed.

    Not sure how/why that is the case, but email appears to be required (?)



  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi Sam,

    This is going to be a relationship / type projection / viewModel issue. Did you get anywhere?


  • Sam_NguyenSam_Nguyen Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Geoff, I did yes.

    Found that these affected users did not have any email in their AD nor in the portal when you hit the "i" in affected user. Once email was manually added, it was fixed.

    Not sure how/why that is the case, but email appears to be required (?)


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