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Configure Notifications for Queues

Tyler_RussellTyler_Russell Customer IT Monkey ✭

Hello - sorry if this is the wrong place. I'm looking to configure notification settings for one of our three queues and I'm a bit lost. We would like an analyst to receive notifications for all submitted tickets so he can assign them to his underlings and when a ticket is assigned to them - notify them. I have not used Cireson products before. Where would I navigate to perform this action? Thank you in advanced!


  • Konstantin_Slavin-BoKonstantin_Slavin-Bo Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

    Please note the difference between Tier Queues and Queues. But the Cireson product for this is Notify Analyst, also available as free version:

  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    Hi Tyler,

    Probably a combination of an SCSM Subscription and Cireson Notify Analyst.

    An SCSM Subscription (Console —> Administration —> Notifications —> Subscriptions) configured to email specified individual when a IR / SR's Support Group changes from "not equals Support Group X" to "equals Support Group X".

    Cireson Notify Analyst (Console —> Settings —> Cireson Notify Analyst Settings) configured to email the assigned user when a IR / SR is assigned.


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