Create Change From Template - Remove Publish Offering
We would like to remove the Publish Offering CR template form the list of change templates.
This is not used at the environment and confuses people that need to create other changes.
But the template is in a sealed management pack, so removing the template won't work.
Is there a way to do this fe using security?
Best Answer
Joe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Hi Valerie
You would need to scope it out of the Role so it doesn't appear in the list, EG:
You would need to scope it out of the Role so it doesn't appear in the list, EG:
Sounds like its scoped correctly if its not showing in the console. Scoped access changes are synced every 24 hours and requires cacebuilder and website restart to take affect as per KB1176 - you may just need to give the site a restart in IIS.