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Using SMLets to remove all reviewers from a Review Activity

Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer IT Monkey ✭

Does anyone know how this would be accomplished? I feel like I am close, I can obtain all of the RA reviewers with Get-SCSMRelatedObject -SMObject $RAToModify -Relationship $raHasReviewerRelClass

But, removing seems like a more complex task, undoubtedly due to multiple relationships being in play.

This is all stemming from a new SR I've created based on a template. All with SMLets, I create the SR, then apply the Projection (template) which contains the RA. In the Template, the RA is completely blank, including Reviewers. Somewhere along the line, a "phantom" reviewer is being added, and if you do a Get-SCSMRelationshipObject -BySource $RAToModify on the RA, you will see that it contains the "RAhasReviewer" rel, but not the "ReviewerIsUser" rel, which does exist for other reviewers.

Using this, I thought I was on the verge of a breakthrough, since the -Whatif seemed to understand what I was trying to do, but it choked during actual execution.

So, I guess this is a two part question, the first question above, and maybe if this has happened to anyone else, and how you got that phantom reviewer to stop showing up.


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    Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭

    May it be, that in the template you have an empty reviewer in it? It happened to us after a user was deleted and has been defined as a reviewer in a template. The empty reviewer exists still.

    As for the deletion of the reviewer, it should work like this (I tested it in our environment and it worked)

    $reviewers = SCSMRelatedObject -SMObject $RAToModify -Relationship $raHasReviewerRelClass
    foreach($r in $reviewers)
      Remove-scsmobject -smobject $r -force

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    Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    @Daniel_Polivka1 The actual error you are getting is due to an off SMLets quirk.

    It assumes you are deleting a Config Item. The CMDLet will set the ObjectStatus to "Pending Delete" in normal mode or actually delete the object if you add the -Force param. (As per Simon's code above).

    Because a Reviewer is not a CI and does not have an ObjectStatus property you MUST use -Force which will just delete it. There is no pending delete / recycle bin etc for non CIs.

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    Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.

    For the second part of the question - lets find out where it it coming from.
    In PowerShell, once you have the Reviewer Object rather than delete it, pipe it to Get-SCSMObjectHistory. This will show you when and who create it.

    Was the account that created the SR, or was it the Workflow account?
    Was it the same time or a few seconds later?

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    Daniel_Polivka1Daniel_Polivka1 Customer IT Monkey ✭


    Interesting! I have not used Get-SCSMObjectHistory before, lots of cool data in there. I do wonder why SMLets does that, but I'm not losing any sleep over it since Simon's suggestion does the trick.


    THANK YOU. The force is what I was missing. Everything worked perfectly.
    Thank you both so much!

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    Simon_ZeinhoferSimon_Zeinhofer Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 11

    Glad to hear it helped :)
    because of the empty reviewer, have a deeper look at the template. We also have this issue when a user, who is set as reviewer directly in a template, quits and the SCSM user object gets deleted. Even worse, if a user's username changes and a new object gets created, the old reviewer gets added (although no user is related to it) and the new user objects gets rewritten as non-analyst inside the CI$user table. This seems to be some bug with smlets when applying the scsm object template to a workitem.

    Therefor I could imagine your problem might go in the same direction ;)

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