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Re: Trouble with restricting access
The Cireson portal does not control access to the tickets*. The fact that the tickets are accessible only some time after creation does suggest that the users are indeed scoped to queues and are being granted access to the tickets because they are members of a queue which match the criteria.
If you run this query against the ServiceManagement db, it may help isolate the issue.
select ServiceManager.dbo.fn_GetLocalizedText(urm.UserRoleId,'enu') [Role Name]
from CI$User u
join Scoping_User su on u.Id = su.UserId
join Scoping_UserRoleMap urm on urm.MapId = su.UserRoleMapId
join Scoping_WorkItem sw on sw.UserRoleMapId = urm.MapId
join WorkItem wi on wi.Id = sw.WorkItemId
where u.username = 'warnerb' and wi.WorkItemId = 'SR1120'
Set the username and workitemid to appropriate values and this query should list the roles that this user is a member of. One of these roles is giving the user access to that work item.
If that query returns no result, then the user is a member of a role which has access to all queues.
Note * The portal does have a TeamGroupFilter setting which if true will limit access to work items through the portal for users who are not members of the AD group assigned to the Portal Analysts group.
Re: Custom Manual Activity Completion Form
Hi @Geoff_Ross
@Brett_Moffett2 and @joivan_hedrick have been able to find a work around. By adding "style="height: ###px;" (height of the pop up window usually or slightly smaller I found) to the html for these pop-up windows in the div with the ID of the form (example below). We now get the pop up windows to load with a scroll bar correctly in chrome/edge.
<div id="ChooseActivityHTML" style="height: 500px; class="form-horizontal">
Re: The Portal and OpenAI
So we're doing an Azure OpenAI project for HR right now. As you were saying, it returns varying answers which HR doesn't like at all. They would prefer the same answer every time (we should talk). If HR doesn't want our Generative AI solution, IT Self Help is willing to take up the project and see about integrating it into the portal.
So we have a web app that hosts a Python site which simply presents a User Input for the Question - Just like your "Ask Anything" in the portal. And a Reply box for the Answer - Just like your modal "Answer" window.
The trick is how to change our Python site to our portal interface. (we should talk). At worst-case, we could always throw the interface into the portal's iFrame like we do our Power BI reports.
However things shake out, there will be a marriage between our Azure OpenAI and the Cireson Portal, one way or another. You showed us it's possible!
Re: Analyst Usage Data
@Matt_Howard1 I think that's something that gets logged inside the IIS Logs. As far as I remember there was someone who showed Power BI reports based on these logs in a Community Open Floor. The IIS logs contain a huge amount of data, and so I expect this task to be really complex - based on that I would evaluate the ROI before investing any resources for that.
Re: Way to change the time of sync job for Analytics?
Hi Brett,
I'm sure its possible with a SQL script using this SP.
Re: Quick assign to analyst, SMLets?
I saw this the other day on the main/larger thread but saw a couple of responses that kinda covered things. But I'll cover them here as well:
- Custom Events are really only documented in so far as name and the descriptions contained therein for those functions. The repo has a handful of very direct examples. Some functions contained in the custom events script also feature verbose explanations of variables such as when using Custom Rules
- Per my cited comment above, while powerful. Custom Events create the opportunity to bring the connector to a grinding halt if written incorrectly. All in all, its a fine line of - yes these exist and you can use them, but its undertaken entirely at your own risk as everyone's custom events could be different and I/others would have no way of quick and easily troubleshooting.
- When it comes to debugging Custom Events. You'll need to open the SCSM Console, head over to Adminstration → Settings → SMlets Exchange Connector settings. In there, you'll go the workflow tab and disable the workflow then save. The connector is now no longer running. On the SCSM server, or using a run as account - you'll need to open PowerShell ISE or VSCode. Then open up the smletsExchangeConnector.ps1 script. Run it. This now gives you a first hand experience of the connector running and you can watch what errors (if any) arise. More importantly, you can breakpoint the Invoke-AfterCreateIR function and step line by line through it to verify your logic. You don't have to do this and should be a last resort if your custom log events aren't telling you what you're expecting
Now with all of that said. Your function at a high level makes sense for what you want to do. What's worth calling out here is when you're in a Custom Event. Log where at all possible for your own troubleshooting. Second, make sure to include a default case in your switch statement so when things don't go to plan you have a path AND event as to why. Take the following example:
$email = "problem on four, attn: user1"
switch -wildcard ($email) { "*user1" { write-output "The assignee is user1. Log info event." } "*user2" { write-output "The assignee is user2. Log info event." } default { write-output "Not sure who the assignee should be. Log warning event." }}
But a couple of things worth pointing out in the context of the function you are in:
$ID = $NewWorkItem.ID ### I am guessing here based off custom events examples $SRClass = Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$ $UserClass = Get-SCSMClass -name System.Domain.User$ $AssignedToUserRelClass = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass -Name System.WorkItemAssignedToUser$ $ServiceRequest = Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRClass -Filter "ID -eq $ID" #Maybe I could use $newWorkItem instead of doing the $serviceRequest lookup on the ID?
Your guesses are correct but $ID, $SRClass, $UserClass $AssignedToUserRelClass, and even $ServiceRequest are all already known when you are in the function
- Your function can simply make use of the $newWorkItem variable as you commented
- The classes $SRClass, $UserClass ($domainUserClass in the case of the connector), and $AssignedToUserRelClass are set by the connector. Check out things in the primary script starting around line 800. You'll see a host of common variables that you can use if necessary to avoid redeclaring them
- The function is Invoke-AfterCreateIR, but you're using a Service Request based class. Either you're in the wrong function, or this was a copy paste mistake. In any case, it's all the more reason to use the $newWorkItem variable as its Id, Class, etc. are all known, and exist contextually. Which means the nature of your function can not only be trimmed down significantly, but the core logic of what you're trying to do is really just what's in your switch statement
Re: An SMlets based Exchange Connector
You should be able to use Custom Events to apply additional processing based on CC or BCC:
Re: An SMlets based Exchange Connector
I should also add that if you are delivering to one mailbox, then using Exchange rules to forward to another mailbox, then there is a ReceivedBy property in the message header that should contain the original mailbox name. If you combine that with the custom events you should be able to pull out the original mailbox and perform some processing logic. The issue thread linked below has quite a bit of detail about this (though the issue listed there is different) and maps out the conditions where that field is used by the connector.
Re: Cireson Portal fields mandatory based on other fields value
@Simon_Zeinhofer @Bart_Leving - you guys are correct! The Asset Management forms go through some additional backend validation that the work items don't go through and therefore can't have js statements determine the requirement on the controls. I built a custom task to get around this. It's available here:
This has the added benefit of listening for changes to the viewModel and therefore the requirement on the contingentProps updates according to the current value of the boolProp.
Re: Activity prefixes for Cloud and Delay Activity
Hy @Bryan_Lalor,
we already use an apply-Template function where all Activity prefixes are applied. But as far as I remember, this function had the problem with non existing prefixes too, as well as activities not going to In Progress. But this error has been fixed long ago :) In case you need a definite working apply-template function, have a look at @Adam_Dzyacky s Smlet Exchange Connector, it has the working function in it :) And the good thing is, you can add every activitiy + prefix to it by just adding it to the if-else clause ;)
So in short, when using the apply-template we already included the cloud,delay and powershell activities and there the prefixes are added. We only have the situation when the work item is created via an RO. But tbh for us it is only visual, as the functionality is given still.
In your case it cannot work, as the top if condition says
if($ClassName.startswith("System.WorkItem.Activity") -or $ClassName -eq "Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.RunbookAutomationActivity")
So the other if-else clauses will only trigger, when the Activitiy Classname starts with the standard activity prefix or is an SCO activity. As Cireson activity Classnames start with "Cireson" no prefix will be applied, as the top if condition does not return $true. If you remove that if condition it will work fine ;)