Request offerings: File size exceeds the maximum size of 64 KB - unable to fix
I can't figure out where this 64 KB limit is comming from! Any ideas?
Best Answer
Jonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Hi @Kenneth_Sundby, just to verify, have you set the remaining work item type settings besides Incident under administration to a higher size limit level as well? We've been using 10240 KB within our environment with great success.
Service Manager Console > Administration > Settings, then:
Service Request Settings, Problem Settings and Change Request Settings (if applicable to your environment)
Service Manager Console > Administration > Settings, then:
Service Request Settings, Problem Settings and Change Request Settings (if applicable to your environment)
You may need to force the Cachebuilder to update the settings for the changes to take affect.
Sounds like you got it updated in the correct place, you just may need a CB & iisreset.
Doh, I realize now that I am a bit stupid ;D
I was of course creating SR's, so changed size limits for IR's of course did nothing! I've updated the correct settings now and everything works, thanks!