SCSM DW not registering SR Extension
If I look at the live data in the SCSM DB Servicemanager I can find tables for dbo.MT_ClassExtension_48ff04ac_984d_4b4b_9c78_3c72ab5516af and dbo.MT_ClassExtension_a2198ef2_b12b_4fe6_b4c1_631e5345b2f5. (I assume the last part of the name is the GUID for the MP?) Under columns for each object I see respectively KnowledgeSource_E96971AF_81F7_C4AE_6BE1_B75FCF3EEFB2
and KnowledgeSource_6A5A30B8_DE6E_4775_6D49_D733429355B2
In the DW under DWDataMart I can see dbo.IncidentDimvw has a column KnowledgeSource, but dbo.ServiceRequestDimvw doesn't. We do have other custom fields/properties that show up as columns in that table though.
For IRs, I had gotten an option to apply schema changes to the cube. I don't get the same option for the Service Manager Service Catalog Library Cubes. I'm guessing that's something that won't happen until the property makes it way into the DW though?
Is there something else I need to do or check to make that property show up in the DW?
I'm assuming KnowledgeSource is a property of type string.
Have you added any text into that property for any Service Request so it'll make the column on next sync?
If you have then it's indeed a syncing issue like @David_Allen pointed out.
When I have syncing issues with the Data Warehouse from tickets not updating and need to force an update, I run the following jobs in this order one at a time:
You might need to see the last time your jobs were run, or ensure your schedules are enabled by remoting onto your Data Warehouse Management Server and running the powershell command: Get-SCDWJobSchedule