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API call “/api/V3/User/GetUsersGroups” does not return all the groups

Olena_PrychynaOlena_Prychyna Customer IT Monkey ✭

Current Portal Version: 7.1.2012.0
Management Pack Version: 7.7.2012.185

url: 'http://' + window.location.host + '/api/V3/User/GetUsersGroups',
 async: true,
 data: { id: session.user.Id },
 type: "GET",
 statusCode: {  200: function (data) { showGroups(data); }   },
 error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {}

Returns some of the groups for user, but not all.
AD connector is synced in SCSM.

The problematic groups are in CI$DomainGroup table, but  don’t have any members in GroupMembership_CI$DomainGroup_CI$User
Is there something we can do to get it populated properly?

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