How to hide KBs for endusers
Hello all,
After having implemented our Service Catalog, we now want to start populating our Knowledge base.
If we've understood it correctly then the Articles need to be created directly into the portal and not from within the SCSM console, right?
I was wondering if this was the case how we can segregate the IT Internal KB's from the enduser KB's?
We will be creating documents with IT procedures and end user faq's.
Can someone elaborate on this?
Best Answer
Jonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Hi @Filip_Theyssens, the way that the Cireson Portal differentiates between analyst articles and IT is by the existence of content. For example, if you want an article only visible to analysts so that it does not appear in any of the top KB article lists of searches, you simply ensure that there is no content entered within the End User side of the article. Analysts on the otherhand will see all articles regardless of whether there is content in the analyst section of the article or not.