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Autofill Date Prompt Types in Offerings

James_TottenJames_Totten Customer IT Monkey ✭
Good morning.

We have an offering for users to request loaner hardware (laptops, hotspots, etc.).  We have a prompt for "Select Loan Start Date" and a prompt for "Select Loan End Date."  Is there a way to autofill the date/time on the offering form?  Our support team would like the end date to default populate with 48 hours after the start date.  I don't see anything to indicate to me that SCSM can handle this kind of logic, but I'm hoping someone here has a suggestion or solution.



  • Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Service Manager / Advanced Request Offering would allow you to limit the dates, but not auto populate them; however, you could accomplish this via some JQuery in the /CustomSpace/custom.js file.
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