No e-mails received when assigning an engineer in SM to an incident, using Notify Analyst app.
I am using
Service Manager 2012 R2
The channels are configured correctly: E-mail notifications for example when creating or closing an incident are send and received correctly. No problems with this.
Problem is with the Notify Analyst app. It should send an e-mail when an Incident is assigned or re-assigned. However no e-mail is received by the assigned engineer. Tested this with various engineers (that did receive e-mail when an incident was created or closed).
The assignment workflow that runs in the background “Cireson Incident Assignment Notification Workflow” seems to work correctly, given the instance status.See the picture below
The Notify Analyst app did work correct some weeks ago. Nothing has been changed according me, but e-mails are no longer received when re-assigning an incident.
What is going wrong here? What is the reason and how can this be solved?