Update child incidents information from parent
I am trying to find a way to update the Incident Classification of all the child incidents based on the parent. By default only the Resolution Category and Solution can be updated when parent is resolved.
Is there a way to achieve that by updating workflow or a runbook?
Best regards
It seems like it's not as easy as it seems. I cannot get the relationship in order to update the child incidents nor in Authoring Tool nor in Orchestrator. I was hoping that I may reuse the workflow when parent is resolved in order to add the property for Classification but I could not find a way ...
Other ideas?
Thanks a lot for your answer.
by using a powershell script (e.g. in orchestrator) you can use the following approach to get all child incidents from a given parent incident
$x=Get-SCSMClassInstance -name <your parent incident>
Get-SCSMRelationshipInstance -targetInstance $x
check for relationship id with this guid da3123d1-2b52-a281-6f42-33d0c1f06ab4 (has parent work item)
hope this helps
I got the answer in the end by adapting the script from https://github.com/lazywinadmin/PowerShell/tree/master/SCSM-Get-SCSMWorkItemChildItem and using Orchestrator to monitor and update the objects. I also used the relationship provided by Roland (thanks!).
Function Get-SCSMWorkItemChildItem
Get-SCSMWorkItemChildItem -inputPWI_guid {SC Object Guid From "Monitor Parent IR"}
Hope it helps for the future. You may update any property of the child incidents from the parent.