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How do I get a " changed by last person" column in the view list?

James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭


  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the crux of this is going to be extending the Work Item classes with a New Relationship (e.g. Last Modified By). Then you'll need a workflow that fires when the history on a Work Item is changed, grab the user that made the change, then update that relationship. Then you'll need some custom JS to add the column for this custom property.
  • James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭
    oh gawd, that sounds like a right faff!
  • Tom_HendricksTom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think @Adam_Dzyacky has given the absolute simplest suggestion.  There is no getting around adding the new relationship (e.g.: WorkItemHasLastModifiedBy with Source=Work Item and Target=User) with a management pack, since it does not currently exist. Adding relationships in a management pack (don't forget the type projection!) is very easy after you get used to it, although admittedly fairly intimidating the first few times.  Thankfully there is lots of good advice and examples to be had with a quick Google search.

    I like Adam's suggestion for populating that person by some simple Javascript if you only use the portal for tickets, but you could also create an SCSM workflow or SCORCH/SMA job to update that field after the fact. This is a heavier approach (workflows have a perfomance impact, for example) that also does not immediately update the ticket, but will work in more situations.  You would have to read the ECL to pick up who that last user to modify was, and scanning the ECL (yes, just a select statement) can really hurt system performance too if it is happening at a high rate.  You can compensate for the effects of this approach if you plan for it.

    Go with Adam's approach if it fits your process, though.
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