SQL Table Widget Column Headings
Been racking my brains this afternoon trying to work out what's going on.
I have the following query which I plan on using with a customer who needs a team work view with some additional fields on
<div>Select w.WorkItemId as [Id], </div><div>w.Title as [Title],</div><div>dstat.DisplayString as [Status],</div><div>dtier.DisplayString as [Support Group],</div><div>w.AffectedUser as [Affected User],</div><div>w.AssignedUser as [Assigned To User],</div><div>affu.Department as [Department],</div><div>w.Created,</div><div>w.LastModified</div><div>from WorkItem w</div><div>INNER JOIN DisplayString dstat on w.StatusId = dstat.ElementID AND dstat.DisplayString NOT IN ('Failed', 'Resolved', 'Closed', 'Completed', 'Cancelled', 'Skipped')</div><div>Left JOIN CI$User affu on w.AffectedUserId = affu.Id</div><div>LEFT JOIN DisplayString dtier on w.TierId = dtier.ElementID</div><div>where AssignedUserId = @UserId OR TierId IN (</div><div>Select sg.EnumerationId from SupportGroupMapping_CI$DomainGroup_Enumeration sg</div><div>INNER JOIN CI$DomainGroup g ON g.Id = sg.DomainGroupId</div><div>INNER JOIN GroupMembership_CI$DomainGroup_CI$User m ON m.DomainGroupId = g.Id AND m.UserId = @UserId AND g.Analyst = 1)</div>
1) the headings aren't coming through correctly (i.e. spaces removed etc)
2) the dates aren't formatting as per the rest of the portal (I've made an assumption here that the portal will sort date translations out, if not then I'll adjust via SQL)
3) the $('[data-role=grid]').data('kendoGrid').dataSource.read(); method to refresh the data doesn't appear to work so I can't setup an auto refresh for the page
Any ideas on how to solve the above?
Just need to work out how to refresh the page now and should be good to deploy in test