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Do we have KB to reinstall the Asset Mangement App ?

Manas_GautamManas_Gautam Customer IT Monkey ✭


In our test envioronment the Asset Management was setup by previous vendor so we have no information about the configurations done during setup. Now we have setup the Asset Hardware workflow to import the hardware data. WF's are getting executed and getting completed as per schedule, but we can see some assets are missing in Asset Managemnet.

So i would like to know how i can uninstall and reinstall the Asset Managemnet ? I could not find any KB or article for this.

I have one more question, can i check which SCCM server the WF is configured to get the hardware asset information ? Becuase there was a change in SCCM workflow, so i would like Cireson Asset Managment to connect to new SCCM Server.




  • Justin_WorkmanJustin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Manas_Gautam - I don't think you would want to uninstall Asset Management. Removing the Asset Management Management Pack would take the Assets out with it.

    This installation guide should help to understand the Asset Management settings (which ultimately configure the workflow):

    The SCCM server being used to pull in data will be shown in the SCCM connector definition in Administration>Connectors in the SCSM console. To change SCCM servers, you will likely want to disable the existing connector and create a new one pointing to the new server.

  • Manas_GautamManas_Gautam Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi Justin,

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    I am planning to remove the asset management on test enviornment. And none of the asset is used , linked or managed from test environment. Hence we should not have impact of re installing.

    So we will be sucessful in removing the Asset mangement by removing management packs CiresonAssetManagement.mpb;CiresonAssetManagementPreviewForms.mpb;CiresonAssetManagementPreviewFormsEnablers.mp;Cireson.AssetManagement.Workflows.xml

    and deleting the configuration file : Cireson.AssetManagement.Workflows.dll ??

    We have two disabled SCCM connector, still the when the Asset hardware WF executed it write logs as checking SCCM. So that's why i wanted to check which connector/source Asset Mangement is referring.

    Also after executing the Asset hardware workflow , some of the assets are not getting imported. The names of such devices are also not available in the WF log files, So please let us know where to check for these devices. This is the main reason i wanted to reinstall the Asset Management.



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