Bug in Advanced Request Offering ?
Hi I noticed that after upgrading to the portal version some of my runbooks started failing. I analysed the root cause and it seems to come from the Advanced Request Offering fields with type "Display Only"
These fields appear as undefined in the User input, so they are no longer available for the subsequent powershell or SMA runbook activities. This is a change compared to previous behaviour
User Input**<UserInputs><UserInput Question="Titre - Titel : " Answer="TEST van een express ticket" Type="string" /><UserInput Question="Description - Omschrijving : " Answer="Dit is een test" Type="string" /><UserInput Question="Classification - Categorie" Answer="997d1dca-6064-879b-0422-62b4f4af794c" Type="enum" /><UserInput Question="Auto Close" Answer="true" Type="bool" /><UserInput Question="undefined" Answer="IT Operation LVL1" Type="undefined" /><UserInput Question="undefined" Answer="New-ExpressTicket" Type="undefined" /></UserInputs>
Wen the prompt is defined as "Required" instead of Display Only, the fields pass correctly into the User Input variable.
User Input**<UserInputs><UserInput Question="Titre - Titel : " Answer="2e test van een new express ticket" Type="string" /><UserInput Question="Description - Omschrijving : " Answer="Testing only" Type="string" /><UserInput Question="Classification - Categorie" Answer="997d1dca-6064-879b-0422-62b4f4af794c" Type="enum" /><UserInput Question="Auto Close" Answer="true" Type="bool" /><UserInput Question="Support Group : " Answer="IT Operation LVL1" Type="string" /><UserInput Question="Actionscript" Answer="New-ExpressTicket" Type="string" /></UserInputs>
Why was the previous behavior changed ? Can it be returned to how it was ? Otherwise I have to modify all my offerings to change display to required.
Best Answer
Justin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
@Stephane_Bouillon - Yes. I would say just replace your existing copy wherever it is.
Hi @Stephane_Bouillon - Do you use the RO Toolbox? If so, I believe you may need an updated version of it. You can get it here: https://github.com/doyle-johnpaul/ROToolbox/
Do I just need to copy the new custom_ROToolbox.js to my customspace ?
@Stephane_Bouillon - Yes. I would say just replace your existing copy wherever it is.
@Stephane_Bouillon did this get resolved?
We got the same problem, updated rotoolbox, and the prompt in question gets undefined, and not mapped to the Service Request.
The prompt has a filter in layout to only be visible if "Show when true"
@Justin_Workman fyi, were running latest portal version, and it seems that all prompts that are behind a "Show when true" are affected by this.. any clue?
@Peter_Nordqvist does your RO having multiple pages or the watchlist enabled that is on a different page? We were having the same issue and seemed to have tracked down were the issue was coming from.
@Dijon_Blease yes, it has multiple pages, no watchlist though..
For the moment I have solved this by putting all fields in the layout on Show Always, but that's a really ugly workaround, because it shows all hidden fields that guide the backend processing - "what happens in the kitchen" - for the end users.
Is this a bug that's being worked on ? If needed I can create a support ticket.
I can confirm that with the latest ROTools the problem is still there. I'll open a bug ticket.
I added the following feature request for the Advanced Request Offering Forms
-) add a default property to prompts that allows you to set the default value or query selection item
-) add a Hidden option to the Required/Optional/Display options for the prompt
-) allow multiple And/Or combinations for "show when true" conditions
See Advanced Service Request Form improvements — Cireson Community
I upvoted Add "Hidden" response type to Advanced Request Offering — Cireson Community