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Cireson Portal/Azure AD Application Proxy Issue.

Nathan_BatesNathan_Bates Member IT Monkey ✭

I hope that some insight can be had on the following issue:

I have a hybrid AD Azure environment that is currently setup and stable. I would like to use an Azure Application Proxy in order to leverage Office 365 to log into the portal/outside access. 

I have followed the guide below: 


I can log into the portal using the internal URL and can see a successful login to the application In Azure.  Redirection to the portal server seem to function, but I receive the following error:  


This corporate app can't be accessed.

You are not authorized to access this application.

This is using the same account that I can log in internally to the portal. 

As a test I did change the portal to forms authentication and I was able to get the log in page to appear and respond. If I tried to log in, the authentication would not progress and sit at the login animation. 


  • Brad_ZimaBrad_Zima Member Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    @Nathan_Bates Do you have the correct SPN's set for your servers in on-prem AD? I've seen authentication fail when the server SPN does not match what you have configured in the Enterprise App.

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