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Request Form disable top-level

Ilia2510Ilia2510 Member IT Monkey ✭
Hello. Help me find a form that I can make changes to. We have templates for entering and filling out forms.

You need to disable top-level enums on this form.


  • Marek_LefekMarek_Lefek Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Try this:

    1. Create custom SR form. Accoridng to https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/51#!/, copy file ServiceRequest.js to C:\inetpub\CiresonPortal\CustomSpace\Workitem 

    2. In this custom file add LeafNodeOnly: "true" to the Area enum:

    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "Area", PropertyName: "Area", EnumId: "3880594c-dc54-9307-93e4-45a18bb0e9e1" , LeafNodeOnly: "true"}

    Now only child elements can be choosen.

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