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workitem status not update in views in Portal

Paul_BoschPaul_Bosch Partner IT Monkey ✭

We are using portal 5.05 and since today I've received notifications of users/analysts about the workitem  status not being updated in the standard views / active work, etc. When opening a workitem the correct status is presented.

Ive already stopped the website, recycled the app-pool, stopped the cachebuilder service and restarted the scsm services and started cachebuilder service and started the website afterwards(because this did not give us any result) I rebooted the management server. Both did not provide us with the status being updated in the view.

Any help is welcome.

Kind regards,


Best Answers


  • Paul_BoschPaul_Bosch Partner IT Monkey ✭
    it seems to be a few crs, when editing (adding a space to a text field) and saving it.. the workitem is being updated and the status is updated in the view.. I still want to know where this is going wrong. Since we are now questioning the view versus the 'truth' .
  • Paul_BoschPaul_Bosch Partner IT Monkey ✭

    additional: new cr's also do not update correctly (status) in the view/portal

  • Paul_BoschPaul_Bosch Partner IT Monkey ✭
    new workitems also do not appear until i manually restart the cb service
  • Adam_DzyackyAdam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Second - I've seen this behavior incredibly sporadically. Currently on v5.0.8
  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2016
    Any errors in the Cireson cachebuilder logs? Opening the workitem form itself looks at the servicemanager DB. The grid views look at the workitem table in the servicemanagement BB so if incorrect\stale data is showing it means the cachebuider isn't syncing the updates across. 

    Up the logging level to ALL and check that the workitem update schedule is running and completing every 1 minute. 
  • Tom_HendricksTom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    No errors in the cache builder logs.  Truncating LastModified and rebuilding appears to have resolved the issue for now, so this might be a viable workaround for others.  Perhaps there is a simpler / less dramatic approach, though?
  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    No errors in the cache builder logs.  Truncating LastModified and rebuilding appears to have resolved the issue for now, so this might be a viable workaround for others.  Perhaps there is a simpler / less dramatic approach, though?
    Keep an eye on it - you shouldn't need to do this very often, but is helpful to clear the cache to see if it resolves an issue like this and often the first step we recommend in support.  

    Id be curious to see what the log looked like with it set to ALL. Does it show the work item update sync complete every 1 minute as it should in the logs?
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