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How to Track Closed Items , when they are closed in a different group?

David7784David7784 Member IT Monkey ✭
edited July 2016 in Analyst Portal


I would like to know something.

 How we can track items resolved by other group?

Our helpdesk spend time to work in some items( doing some actions logs)  but when this items are closed in a different group, we are not able to count it.

 The target is to get in our reports information’s related to items closed where actions were done by our helpdesk team.


Thanks in advance.


  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi David

    Just to confirm the Scenario here to make sure I am understanding this correctly: 

    You have work items assigned to a support group outside of Helpdesk such as HR, your helpdesk analysts sometimes update and resolve these HR support group assigned workitems and you want a way to show this performance (Action log comments \ resolved) by the helpdesk? 

  • David7784David7784 Member IT Monkey ✭

    Hello Joe,


    Thanks for last answer.


    I will try to describe one example.


    1. End User open incident/ work item  to the helpdesk level 1.

    2. Level 1 escalate the incident /work item  to level 2 ( our group).

    3.After analysis done by our analysts it seems that the incident is out of our scope or it was assigned to us by mistake or other reason, but the fact is that we will not close this incident in our stack.

    4. So normally we sent back  this incident/workitem to level 1 or if we know the correct group we assign the incident to this one.


    So, this is the performance that I would like to know, I would like to count the number of incidents/workitems where our team was working.

    We are agree that in one incident/work item we can get some actions logs, but the target is not to count that, the target is to count the number of incidents/work items.


    If the incidents/work items are closed in our stack, there is no problem, performance and reports can be done easier.


    Thanks for your help.


    Feel free for any question.



  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi David

    Thanks for the additional info!

    Here at Cireson we leverage the "Escalated" property on the incident class, and we have a similar reporting scenario that you are describing.

    The Cireson Support Team use our Dev department as our point of escalation for either bug fixing or when our team needs help with an issue and are out of ideas for how to fix the incident. If its not bug related Dev will assign the ticket back with information on what to check or how to fix the issue after reviewing what is wrong.

    The new Dashboard Designer is a great tool to create charts around this to visualize how many tickets Dev have worked on and assigned back to the support team to satisfy the reporting needs:

    Number of active escalated incidents by category:

    Total escalated incidents for the month:

    Incidents escalated passed back to support from Dev team that are not bug related by Analyst:

    This does depend on process and how incidents are classified but achieves what we need to monitor this performance by the teams. 

    I will leave this thread open for anyone else to chime in on how they report for this in their organization :)
  • David7784David7784 Member IT Monkey ✭
    Ok thanks for your answer. :)
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