Hide "Skip Activity" from CR Form
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R_Delawder Member Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
We hid the skip icon from the parallel activity but it was at the portal side so it hides it on all parallel activities (not template specific)
As for being able to select to show on specific templates, I agree that would be handy.
To hide the icon for parallel activities I had to edit the CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\templates\activity\parallel-activity.html file. I commented out the show skip icon and unskip icon lines.
We hid the skip icon from the parallel activity but it was at the portal side so it hides it on all parallel activities (not template specific)
As for being able to select to show on specific templates, I agree that would be handy.
To hide the icon for parallel activities I had to edit the CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\templates\activity\parallel-activity.html file. I commented out the show skip icon and unskip icon lines.