Why would I be seeing the app pool account changing a Support Group value in the WI history?
Best Answer
Brett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭We have been unable to re-produce this in our test lab, but that is assuming many things (Data, Customizations etc. etc.)
I agree with @Nicholas_Velich that you should log a support call for this one and work through an elimination of variables to lock down what is causing this issue.
For anyone else reading this post, Please let us know if you are also experiencing this issue as we would like to track how wide spread this is or if there is common thread that links the cases.
Keep an eye out here for a future fix.2
- Is the AppPool account used anywhere else? (Workflow account, Orchestrator etc.)
- Do you have workflows that automatically assign IR's to users based on rules?
- Do you use any of the assignment tools, such as Group Assign?
If you can test assigning and re-assigning the IR to different Analysts it should narrow down the search.There may be some automation that is doing this task that is using the same account as the AppPool.
The Workflow account might be the same account as the AppPool and this could be causing it.
These shouldn't use any additional accounts, but it would be interesting to see if this is the source of these issues.
We have separate accounts for the workflow service and Orchestrator, no runbooks or SCSM workflows that reassign IRs, and nobody but admins have access to the console.
I reassigned a IR just now via the portal IR form and noticed the app pool account is being used again. I also assigned it to an analyst so there's a history entry attributing that action to me, but not for the Support Group.
How are you reassigning the user? (Manual search on the form, Group Assign task, Assign to me task etc.)
We're running 5.0.8.
99% sure I used the controls on the form (manual) and not the Assign to Analyst by Group task.
I have recently encountered similar intermittent behavior in one of my customer's environments and created an Incident with Support, so you are not alone!
If you have not already done so, please create an Incident at support.cireson.com.
I agree with @Nicholas_Velich that you should log a support call for this one and work through an elimination of variables to lock down what is causing this issue.
For anyone else reading this post, Please let us know if you are also experiencing this issue as we would like to track how wide spread this is or if there is common thread that links the cases.
Keep an eye out here for a future fix.
We are seeing this on-and-off as well. It's not consistent, but it is clustered (so it happens over a morning, or a day, then stops). The Action Log records "Post_EnteredBy_93521833_D998_8788_E0C6_7DC5A63D0C21" correctly as the analyst, but the EntityTransactionLog shows the service account under "ContextGenerated". In our case, this is affecting the Notify Analyst app, since the assignment actions are recorded under the service account instead of the analyst's account, they are being notified when self-assigning tickets.
I do not love this behavior and would rather see the session time out, even if it means having to refresh the user's session somehow. Should I open a support ticket or create a feature request for this? (i.e., is this by design or a bug?)
It's a bug with the Portal that support has acknowledged and said a fix is coming (at least, they acknowledged it to me).
It also affects the Notify Analyst App. If someone self-assigns a work item, and it's logged under the service account, they are notified that they have a work item assigned.
Cireson devs have told me that they are already working on a solution for this, and that may be a session timer.
Between users losing unsaved work and the app pool account incorrectly named as the actor, I'd pick the former.
Just want to chime in here to say that this is a known error and is currently in the process of being fixed. I do not have an ETA for when the fix will be available at this stage.
There is a workaround you can try if you are having this issue, switch your authentication method from Windows Auth to Forms Authentication. This will time out users appropriately and send them back to the login screen.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
Regards, tony
You mentioned that a session timer may be in the works. I would definitely vote for that. At a company I used to work for, one of our clients required a 15-minute inactivity timeout (yes, 15!) for all users. Let's just say this was not a top feature request for users. What made it tolerable was having a countdown clock on the screen at all times and placing a refresh button below it, which would renew the session even if no changes were being made. Users often needed to read the screen for quite a bit longer than 15 minutes before they would take any actions, which would have let their session time out if that button was not available. So while the timeout was not a popular feature, it served a necessary purpose and everyone got used to it fairly quickly due to the way it was implemented.
All parts of that code were simple, except for the countdown clock in the UI. It was not easy getting it to match the actual time remaining in the user session on the server, which was the component that actually timed out, but it was very close.
Also, thanks for the official update, @Tony_Collett. I wanted to share this anecdote in case it either supports what is being done already or provides anything useful to that process.
For some reason it appears that one of our Analysts AD account when logged on, any update they make in the Portal would appear to come from the Portal service account even though they are logged with their own AD account as an analyst. I tried updating their AD account and restarting the cache builder. This has now caused an issue with his account in the portal. The analyst can open the portal and see all the tasks, like Mywork, Teamwork, Active work, etc, as an Analyst would. However he cannot create on-behalf off, or update any tickets. Appears that he has a partial Analyst access. Anyone else seen this.
Issue above all sorted.
SELECT ECL.EntityChangeLogId, CASE WHEN ECL.RelatedEntityId IS NULL THEN 'Object' ELSE 'Relationship' END AS 'Type', CASE WHEN ECL.ChangeType = 0 THEN 'Add' WHEN ECL.ChangeType = 1 THEN 'Update' WHEN ECL.ChangeType = 2 THEN 'Delete' WHEN ECL.ChangeType = 3 THEN 'Staged' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, ECL.ChangeType) END AS 'ChangeType', BME.DisplayName AS 'EntityDisplayName', CASE WHEN ECL.RelatedEntityId IS NULL THEN MT.TypeName ELSE RT.RelationshipTypeName END AS 'EntityOrRelationshipType', ECL.SubscriptionSpecific, ETL.ContextGenerated, ECL.LastModified AS 'LastModified' FROM EntityChangeLog ECL LEFT OUTER JOIN EntityTransactionLog ETL ON ECL.EntityTransactionLogId = ETL.EntityTransactionLogId LEFT OUTER JOIN ManagedType MT ON ECL.EntityTypeId = MT.ManagedTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN RelationshipType RT ON ECL.EntityTypeId = RT.RelationshipTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN BaseManagedEntity BME ON ECL.EntityId = BME.BaseManagedEntityId WHERE ContextGenerated = '<YOUR APPPOOL ID HERE>' ORDER BY ECL.EntityChangeLogId DESC