relocate the "on behalf of" control
we introduced the new advanced request offering feature and used the new option to creat layouts.
This is very usefull feature, thanks for this!
After a few weeks, enduser wishes to relocate the control "Create SR on behalf of".
Is there a possibility to merge this control into one page?
In my current configuration it sits always above the page titles.
I could not find a way yet, to integrate this into a page.
thanks in advance!
Best Answer
Vladimir_Budyak Customer IT Monkey ✭Hi!I relocate to the right "on behalf of", "description" & "instruction" by using the custom.js and custom.css.
// custom.js<br>$(document).ready(function() {<br> if (location.pathname.match("/SC/ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering/") ) {<br> $("#servicePanel").append($("#TheForm>#requestOfferingCont>div[ng-show]"));<br> };<br>});
/***** custom.css<br>#servicePanel > div > div > h2 {display:none;}<br>#servicePanel > div[ng-show="isFirstPage()"] > h3:nth-of-type(2) {display:none;}<br>#servicePanel > div[ng-show="isFirstPage()"] > .col-group > .c2 {padding-top: 20px !important;}
<img title="Image:" alt="" src="">
// custom.js<br>$(document).ready(function() {<br> if (location.pathname.match("/SC/ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering/") ) {<br> $("#servicePanel").append($("#TheForm>#requestOfferingCont>div[ng-show]"));<br> };<br>});
/***** custom.css<br>#servicePanel > div > div > h2 {display:none;}<br>#servicePanel > div[ng-show="isFirstPage()"] > h3:nth-of-type(2) {display:none;}<br>#servicePanel > div[ng-show="isFirstPage()"] > .col-group > .c2 {padding-top: 20px !important;}
<img title="Image:" alt="" src="">
Hi Vladimir.
I like what you have done here.
Have you managed to get this working in v6.0 of the portal. Would really like to have the same layout if possible.
Hi Adrian.
All work correctly: