Move to the top of the specific service offering.
Hi guys!
How can I relocate specific Service Offering on the Home Page to the TOP of Service Catalog?
It necessary for me because standard Top Requests are not multilingual.
I wrote a little JS code and placed it in the "custom.js".
<b>// MovingUP TopRequests SO</b><br>$(document).ready(function() {<br> if (location.pathname == "/View/02efdc70-55c7-4ba8-9804-ca01631c1a54")<br> {<br> var timer = setInterval(function() {<br> if ($(">div.row>div").length > 0)<br> {<br> clearInterval(timer);<br> var divTopR = ($(">div.row>div>h4[id='18bfaebe-c7e6-e002-15c6-a94621ebfc98']").parent().length == 0) ? $(">div.row>div>h4[id='d343f08f-b0c6-e3ec-0375-686a9dada207']").parent() : $(">div.row>div>h4[id='18bfaebe-c7e6-e002-15c6-a94621ebfc98']").parent();<br> divTopR.insertBefore($(">div.row>div").first());<br> }<br> }, 100);<br> }<br>});<p></p><p><br></p>
Where id='18bfaebe-c7e6-e002-15c6-a94621ebfc98' - ru-RU SO
Where id='d343f08f-b0c6-e3ec-0375-686a9dada207' - en-US SO
It works, but I think there is a better way. What do you think?