GridViewRecordCap - What value are you Setting this To?
Curious to see the values that people are setting the GridViewRecordCap value to, by default it is set to 500.
Within our environment this is needing to be changed to accommodate grid views displaying accurate data (Team Work/Active Work and Search).
Seeking input from others to see where your value is set to, and the performance impact this has resulted in.
Best Answers
Thomas_Hathaway Customer IT Monkey ✭I've tailored this value around what managers and analysts query towards the end of the month for their teams. I changed it to 1000 so we could comfortably capture an entire support groups assigned work count via the portal search criteria. I haven't seen any significant slow downs.6
Jonathan_Boles Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Our environment sees a pretty heavy volume of work items being processed on a daily basis so we've set ours to 3,000. We expected to see a bit of a performance hit but to date we've seen zero impact. To make dealing with the number of available work items we did introduce a customization that allowed the user to set the default view to 100 work items per page and moved the pagination to the top of the grid view versus down at the bottom.