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Questions about using Queues to restrict workitems

Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

We are currently extending our Service Catalog to HR and Finance and we have some concern about sensible data that the tickets may contains. I watched the recent webinar “How to Extend Your Service Catalog to Other Departments” and during the demo, this was addressed using Queues and User Role.


Ideally, I want to restrict IT tickets to the HR team and HR tickets to IT (or simply just restricting HR tickets to any other analyst).

In my test environment, I created a queue for “SR SupportGroup is HR” and another for “SR SupportGroup is not HR”, assigned those to User Roles. I also had to remove the “All work items can be accessed” to any other user role to make this work. Then everything worked as I wanted for Service Requests but now no one has any access to the other types of work items and the end users does not have any access to even their own tickets on the portal.

Does that mean I have to create a Queue for any other work item classes (All CR, All IR…)? That seems to add lot workflows for so little. Is there a more efficient way?

For the end users, if I give them access to the queues, all analysts will also be grated access to the queues. Other than having a “non-analysts” group, how do you manage that?


To anyone that uses Queues in their environment to scope Work Items permission, did you see any performance hit after implementing this? Did you see any other performance or usage impact?

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    Marc-Andre_LafleurMarc-Andre_Lafleur Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Hi, thanks for the answer. I did set this set this up and it's seems to be working fine other than a couple issues with request offerings on the portal.
    1. When an analyst or a end-user submit a request offering, if they try to open their newly created ticket right away, they will get an error "The item you requested either does not exist or you do not have access to view it" and 5-10 seconds later they'll be able to access it. 
    2. When an analyst submit a request offering using the "Create on behalf of" and the created ticket is out of their scope, they'll never be able to open the ticket. It seems like only the affected user can open the ticket even if it is out of their scope on the portal.
    Are those normal behavior and is there something we can do about it?
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