Add/Remove Properties from Manual Activities in the Change, Release, Service Request Forms
Hi All,
I am trying to find any details on removing properties and adding custom extension properties from the Manual Activities on the activities Tab, Including Renaming a Property's Form Label.
I have done a number of custom forms with Problem, Incident, Etc. But I cannot see any information on how I can modify the MA's Default Properties.
Done a search of the KB's and this forum and been unable to locate what I am looking for.
This would also benefit from the different user type functionality offered for other forms, so End Users see different fields to our analysts?
Best Answer
Tom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
This requires you to edit a Cireson html file and then merge your copy with theirs every release (although it typically doesn't change much). I strongly recommend not replacing their file on the server, but putting your modified copy somewhere in CustomSpace and redirect traffic from the installed file to your modified copy using IIS. (I have a script that does this on install, because it gets wiped out each time you upgrade).
If you're still reading--and I think for many, not continuing to read might be a good choice for your particular situation--the file you are looking for is [drive]:\InetPub\CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\templates\activity\manual-activity.html.
This file is somewhat reminiscent of the JSON files that the other forms are defined by, but it is what I would (over-)simplify as "the html version of that." You are dealing with (mostly) the same structures and defining the same controls, but using HTML instead of JSON to do it.
A feature request might be a better long-term solution to this, of course.
This requires you to edit a Cireson html file and then merge your copy with theirs every release (although it typically doesn't change much). I strongly recommend not replacing their file on the server, but putting your modified copy somewhere in CustomSpace and redirect traffic from the installed file to your modified copy using IIS. (I have a script that does this on install, because it gets wiped out each time you upgrade).
If you're still reading--and I think for many, not continuing to read might be a good choice for your particular situation--the file you are looking for is [drive]:\InetPub\CiresonPortal\Scripts\app\templates\activity\manual-activity.html.
This file is somewhat reminiscent of the JSON files that the other forms are defined by, but it is what I would (over-)simplify as "the html version of that." You are dealing with (mostly) the same structures and defining the same controls, but using HTML instead of JSON to do it.
A feature request might be a better long-term solution to this, of course.
If you're on v9+ of the portal, you can use the DynamicData form to edit MAs. You can fully customize the DynamicData MA form just like any other form by creating a System.WorkItem.Activity.ManualActivity.js(there's not one by default) and placing it in the CustomSpace folder. Now "how do you get to that form in the portal?" you might say. Ultimately, you go to /DynamicData/Edit/<BaseId of the MA>. Me and @Nick_Flint teamed up on a solution to add a link to the Activity forms from the parent form here. In fact, his latest contribution contains a default MA form. I hope this helps!