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Search by Created By
Please can we have the ability to search by the Created By user?!?!
Thanks, David.
If you are reading this, please also be sure to vote for the Feature Request linked by @Mark_Wahlert just two posts above this one!
Is there any update on this please?
This should be in the new "Global Search" that is planned for this quarter. I saw it in the roadmap, hopefully it will be released soon....
You can do this with the Global Search feature that is in the latest builds and will soon be available on baseline builds.
Thank you for the work that has been put into Global Search, it is really awesome.
One problem that I and probably other people will have is that it does not provide fine grained searches.
I was hoping to search "Created By" by using the standard search function that is located in the left bar.
When using the top search bar, it gives many results if you search for something and although we can select what propperties to search by in the admin pannel sttings, it makes it difficult to search exactly what is needed.
Is there any way that the "Created By" and other key properties caan be included in the normal search tool in the left bar?
What about adding something like Outlook keyword search functionality to the Cireson Global Search.
I mean when I want to find messages with attachments, I put hasattachments:yes condition to the search bar in Outlook. In this situation I would write createBy:my.username to refine the current global search.
And combining multiple conditions with logical operators would be nice, too: createdBy:peter.miklian & status:InProgress & assignedTo:[me] hasRelatedCI:serverXY ... Sci-fi, I know 😋
Another discussions on this topic:
Great idea on the multiple conditions with logical operators @Peter_Miklian! I think that really speaks to a dedicated Global Search page where you could implement that kind of Advanced Search logic.
Just chiming in to say that our Jira project management tool has something like this, which Peter is mentioning and I find this really useful. This fits probably more to the "work item search" view builder and that every attribute should be available in the work item search dropdowns (see jira1 screenshots - a user can filter out based on 180 ! attributes) but the same logic could be applied maybe to Global Search as well in some way.
The jira2 screenshot showcases the function of the "advanced" search , which I belive is what @Peter_Miklian is hinting at.
Also, in the global search there should be a more user friendly (maybe clickable filter bars with logical operators) gui version of this as well, while leaving the text-based option (for power users) as well.
@Gerhard_Goossens just so I know we are talking about the same thing, what do you mean when you say "the normal search tool in the left bar"?
The Global Search Feature is now available in both latest and baseline v10 releases. You can read more about it here and this KB.
What do I need to do to add the CreatedBy to the Work Item Search dropdown of fields ?
Is this now possible to do ? I'd like to have a saved search that includes incident requests created By user xxx
Hi @Stephane_Bouillon
Long time no speak.
Give this a go:
Thanks, that did the trick :)
Greetings from sunny Belgium :) :) :)