Converting IR to SR (and vice versa) - Looking to Control List of Request Offerings
We are looking to limit the request offerings available to analysts when converting IR to SR (and vice versa) without disabling those request offerings from the portal. Has anyone attempted to make this configuration?
Best Answers
Geoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
I don't mean to call you out on jargon, but just to ensure I understand, I think you mean template when you say request offering?
Assuming so, are you using the ConvertXtoY Add-Ins? These have a setting for a Template Prefix and will only show the templates that match that prefix as an option. If you are not using the Add-In, I highly recommend you remove your custom solution for Conversions and use the Add-In.
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Brett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
The Convert to SR task is an Add In that has been installed in your environment.
You can see the Add Ins' by going to the Admin menu and selecting Add-Ins menu.
You can then select the Settings menu to configure this Add-In further.
To restrict the templates that an analyst can see in the drop down list, you can limit them to a given Prefix for the SR templates. This might mean that you have to go back and rename the templates to support this but that shouldn't have any negative impact on other systems.
I hope this has been helpful.
Hi @robert_fewins-kalb
I don't mean to call you out on jargon, but just to ensure I understand, I think you mean template when you say request offering?
Assuming so, are you using the ConvertXtoY Add-Ins? These have a setting for a Template Prefix and will only show the templates that match that prefix as an option. If you are not using the Add-In, I highly recommend you remove your custom solution for Conversions and use the Add-In.
Sorry for the jargon - I'm new to the Cireson Portal. Below is a screenshot of the list of request offering templates I'm talking about. Some of these request offerings have workflow tied to custom fields available in the portal. We don't want analysts selecting those request offerings when converting an IR to SR (or vice versa) but we do still want those available to users through the portal.
I'm not 100% if we're using the ConvertXtoY add-in. How could I go about determining that? Where in our environment would I look?
Thank you
Hi @robert_fewins-kalb
The Convert to SR task is an Add In that has been installed in your environment.
You can see the Add Ins' by going to the Admin menu and selecting Add-Ins menu.
You can then select the Settings menu to configure this Add-In further.
To restrict the templates that an analyst can see in the drop down list, you can limit them to a given Prefix for the SR templates. This might mean that you have to go back and rename the templates to support this but that shouldn't have any negative impact on other systems.
I hope this has been helpful.
@Geoff_Ross - Thank you so much! That's exactly what we were looking for!
Sorry, @Brett_Moffett - either way, you both have been helpful :)