Searching for elements by parts of the word (Portal)
Only if you search for the whole word, will it return the right results.
Is there a sollution for this? Or is it coming up in a next update?
Best Answer
Adrian_Paech Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
I would recommend starting to use "Key Words" when creating your KB articles. You can then include "pro" and "time" in your list of key words. This will then provide these search results you are looking for..
Hope this helps.
I would recommend starting to use "Key Words" when creating your KB articles. You can then include "pro" and "time" in your list of key words. This will then provide these search results you are looking for..
Hope this helps.
This would be a huge performance booster. Else we would have to manually enter all the parts of the words in the title and description as keywords.
Thanks for your fast response.
Not that I am aware of. Searching words within words could provide many false positive results, unless there was some very clever logic around the way it searches.
I might be wrong, but I fear this could also dramatically slow down searches where there is large numbers of KB articles.
I may be wrong though, Maybe its very doable without any impact on performance and results..
The Cireson crew may have something else to add here..
After a brief discussion here, we are going to start using the keywords more thoroughly and are going to update our existing KB articles.
Shame it isn't implementable because our Knowledge Base is that extensive. But I can see the performance issues with companies that have a huge Knowledge Base.
Thanks again.